Secure the new Fedja Church with Windows

Start A Supporter Campaign

RAISED: $7,750.00

GOAL: $25,000.00

Filmed at the beginning of 2023, this video gives us a glimpse into the story of a community close to our hearts. The church at Fedja has faced many challenges over the years, but they continue to experience God's providence and faithfulness. This congregation is comprised of many different people who are all invited in to be God’s family together: young children from the orphanage and elderly widows, internally displaced people from gang-controlled regions and people who've lived there for years, and others. You can see them all worship together here. As they gather for worship, prayer, and revival in their community, their doors open to more people than their building can hold.  


We are about a year into construction work on a new church building for this community. Because of our team’s connections and good reputation in Haiti, we were able to continue projects like these even when other organizations had to pause due to instability, danger, and complex political realities. As we near the completion of this project, we are praising God for His goodness and for our friends who have made this progress possible. We are expectant for the growth to come in many lives! 


Would you consider helping us secure this building by helping us cover the cost of windows? The building has many spaces for windows, which will be glass with rebar outside to ensure the safety of the 500+ church members and hundreds of school children who will also meet there. 


We believe that the church will be used to bring transformation in Haiti. If you believe the same, please consider partnering with us on this practical project. 


We want to leave you with this statement of gratitude from Fedja’s church leadership: “We are thankful to God and His faithful and generous servants who contribute to the blessing of this project. May our God continue to open the doors of heaven and pour out His rich blessings who have provided for this project.”