Marceline has a very outgoing personality. She loves to draw, read, and play with her friends. Her favorite sport is basketball.
4 of 5 Shares Sponsored
OF177-Dieuseleine Jean-Baptiste
Dieuseleine's smile is filled with kindness. Her big brown eyes take in everything around her. She loves taking care of her younger sister Wouslande.
OF178 - Wouslande Jean-Baptiste
Wouslande is a spunky little girl with a lot of personality! She shares her beautiful smile and contagious laugh with everyone. Wouslande loves to sing and praise the Lord!
OF179 - Daphca Marie Silvestre
Sweet and spunky, this little one will bring joy to your heart the moment you see her smiling face.
4 of 5 Shares Sponsored
OF180 - Daphnica Jean
Daphnica is a quiet girl with a big heart. She has a smile for everyone and loves to play with her friends.
OF181 - Mayjudlande Dorval
Mayjudlande is a quiet girl who has a beautiful smile.
2 of 5 Shares Sponsored
OF182 - Wadeline Piton
Wadeline loves to read her Bible. Her favorite subject in school is Bible. She likes to play soccer. Wadeline wants to become a doctor.
4 of 5 Shares Sponsored
OF183 - Wadna Piton
Wadna is a sweet young lady who enjoys helping others. Her favorite subject in school is Bible. She likes to play basketball. Wadna wants to become a singer.
OF184 - Ovenson Saint-Nael
Ovenson is a friendly young boy. His favorite subject in school is science . He likes to play soccer. Ovenson wants to become an engineer.
OF185 - Nelson Joey Ezechiel
Joey is a sweet little boy. He loves to play with his friends. His favorite color is yellow. Joey loves to help the nannies with daily chores.
OF186 - Ruth-Nerline Jean-Baptiste
Ruth-Nerline is a spunky little girl. She loves to dance and sing. She is very lovable and has hugs for everyone!
OF187 - Schneider Germain
Schneider is a quiet boy. His favorite color is blue. He has a heart to serve others.